Spirit Medicine Woman

from $15.00

 Spirit Medicine Woman

Representing the Divine Feminine, Tree of Life, Medicine Wheel, Sweet Grass, Heaven and Earth, Pleiades star cluster, Yin/Yang, Spiral of Life

Acrylic on Canvas

Artist:  Tammy Barton

When I received the vision for Spirit Medicine Woman, I knew she was to be a beautiful painting all within her own powerful medicine piece and knew she was to bring balance and harmony to the Warrior Shaman’s Healing piece in completing the pair of divine masculine and divine feminine coming together.   

Within this Medicine Piece painting you will find meaningful symbology and below you will find the purpose and meaning of each symbol.  

The Tree of Life is painted within the physical and energetic essences of who she naturally came into this life to be and the inner strength and wisdom she carries from life experiences she has endured throughout her life.   Within the golden yellow, orange, and red hues transcending from the tree rooted deeply within the earth at the bottom of the painting to brush strokes transcending through her strong shoulders, delicate hair and the branches of the tree making their way into the heavens of the universe.  You can see the roots of the tree drawing in the nutrients from the earth supporting and embodying her growth and beauty into her connections with her spirit helpers and ancestors.  The tree of life represents the source of all existence and the interconnectedness of all beings.  It also represents harmony and balance, rebirth, strength, faith, and individual expression. 

The middle and lower parts of the tree and roots are embraced by braided Sweet Grass.  Sweet grass holds deep spiritual significance for many Indigenous North American cultures. It's considered a sacred herb, used in purification ceremonies, prayer offerings and to attract positive energies.  

The Medicine Wheel represented within her silver earring, symbolizes the elements of earth, air, fire and water and the four directions and honors every aspect of the cycles of life, death and rebirth.  We cannot have one element and direction without the other.  The medicine wheel is also known as ‘the sacred hoop’ and is used by many native American tribes as a symbol of healing and health. 

The Yin-Yang symbol is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy and cosmology, primarily associated with Taoism. It represents the dualistic nature of existence and the interdependence and balance between opposing forces or elements.  Within this painting you will see only half of the yin/yang symbol painted within the shadowing of her neck.  This half represents fire and creativity, the sun and heavens, honoring the divine masculine which in turn, brings balance and harmony into her essence and being.  

The Sacred Spiral is one of the oldest known symbols and it is a powerful spiritual symbol. It connects us to Nature, our Earth and the Galaxies. Our Life Force Energy, known as Kundalini, is a Spiral that flows from the base of our spine. It represents God and Goddess, Life, Energy, New Life and Evolving Journey.

You will see in the northwest sky within the sacred spiral, Pleiades, a cluster of seven stars. In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were the seven daughters of the Titan Atlas. He was forced to hold up the sky for eternity and was therefore unable to protect his daughters. To save the sisters from being raped by the hunter Orion, Zeus transformed them into stars.  The seven stars symbolize the domain of the blessed seven sisters who received protection and immortality and represent hope and light.   

Within the facial features of Spirit Medicine Woman, she embodies a sense of standing in her divine truth, inner strength, and power.  She trusts her path and knows she is supported by her spirit helpers.

When you view her companion piece, Warrior Shaman’s Healing, you will find the Ying/Yang symbol within the yellow and blue planet in the sky.  The Medicine Wheel is painted within the circle in the headband of his headdress and the Sacred Spiral is within his throat chakra.  Showing the beauty and similarities we all have within us. 

Individually, the Sacred Medicine Paintings are powerful within their own birth right and bring balance and harmony when purchased together. 

Much love, light, gratitude, and many blessings ~ Tammy Barton

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 Spirit Medicine Woman

Representing the Divine Feminine, Tree of Life, Medicine Wheel, Sweet Grass, Heaven and Earth, Pleiades star cluster, Yin/Yang, Spiral of Life

Acrylic on Canvas

Artist:  Tammy Barton

When I received the vision for Spirit Medicine Woman, I knew she was to be a beautiful painting all within her own powerful medicine piece and knew she was to bring balance and harmony to the Warrior Shaman’s Healing piece in completing the pair of divine masculine and divine feminine coming together.   

Within this Medicine Piece painting you will find meaningful symbology and below you will find the purpose and meaning of each symbol.  

The Tree of Life is painted within the physical and energetic essences of who she naturally came into this life to be and the inner strength and wisdom she carries from life experiences she has endured throughout her life.   Within the golden yellow, orange, and red hues transcending from the tree rooted deeply within the earth at the bottom of the painting to brush strokes transcending through her strong shoulders, delicate hair and the branches of the tree making their way into the heavens of the universe.  You can see the roots of the tree drawing in the nutrients from the earth supporting and embodying her growth and beauty into her connections with her spirit helpers and ancestors.  The tree of life represents the source of all existence and the interconnectedness of all beings.  It also represents harmony and balance, rebirth, strength, faith, and individual expression. 

The middle and lower parts of the tree and roots are embraced by braided Sweet Grass.  Sweet grass holds deep spiritual significance for many Indigenous North American cultures. It's considered a sacred herb, used in purification ceremonies, prayer offerings and to attract positive energies.  

The Medicine Wheel represented within her silver earring, symbolizes the elements of earth, air, fire and water and the four directions and honors every aspect of the cycles of life, death and rebirth.  We cannot have one element and direction without the other.  The medicine wheel is also known as ‘the sacred hoop’ and is used by many native American tribes as a symbol of healing and health. 

The Yin-Yang symbol is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy and cosmology, primarily associated with Taoism. It represents the dualistic nature of existence and the interdependence and balance between opposing forces or elements.  Within this painting you will see only half of the yin/yang symbol painted within the shadowing of her neck.  This half represents fire and creativity, the sun and heavens, honoring the divine masculine which in turn, brings balance and harmony into her essence and being.  

The Sacred Spiral is one of the oldest known symbols and it is a powerful spiritual symbol. It connects us to Nature, our Earth and the Galaxies. Our Life Force Energy, known as Kundalini, is a Spiral that flows from the base of our spine. It represents God and Goddess, Life, Energy, New Life and Evolving Journey.

You will see in the northwest sky within the sacred spiral, Pleiades, a cluster of seven stars. In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were the seven daughters of the Titan Atlas. He was forced to hold up the sky for eternity and was therefore unable to protect his daughters. To save the sisters from being raped by the hunter Orion, Zeus transformed them into stars.  The seven stars symbolize the domain of the blessed seven sisters who received protection and immortality and represent hope and light.   

Within the facial features of Spirit Medicine Woman, she embodies a sense of standing in her divine truth, inner strength, and power.  She trusts her path and knows she is supported by her spirit helpers.

When you view her companion piece, Warrior Shaman’s Healing, you will find the Ying/Yang symbol within the yellow and blue planet in the sky.  The Medicine Wheel is painted within the circle in the headband of his headdress and the Sacred Spiral is within his throat chakra.  Showing the beauty and similarities we all have within us. 

Individually, the Sacred Medicine Paintings are powerful within their own birth right and bring balance and harmony when purchased together. 

Much love, light, gratitude, and many blessings ~ Tammy Barton

 Spirit Medicine Woman

Representing the Divine Feminine, Tree of Life, Medicine Wheel, Sweet Grass, Heaven and Earth, Pleiades star cluster, Yin/Yang, Spiral of Life

Acrylic on Canvas

Artist:  Tammy Barton

When I received the vision for Spirit Medicine Woman, I knew she was to be a beautiful painting all within her own powerful medicine piece and knew she was to bring balance and harmony to the Warrior Shaman’s Healing piece in completing the pair of divine masculine and divine feminine coming together.   

Within this Medicine Piece painting you will find meaningful symbology and below you will find the purpose and meaning of each symbol.  

The Tree of Life is painted within the physical and energetic essences of who she naturally came into this life to be and the inner strength and wisdom she carries from life experiences she has endured throughout her life.   Within the golden yellow, orange, and red hues transcending from the tree rooted deeply within the earth at the bottom of the painting to brush strokes transcending through her strong shoulders, delicate hair and the branches of the tree making their way into the heavens of the universe.  You can see the roots of the tree drawing in the nutrients from the earth supporting and embodying her growth and beauty into her connections with her spirit helpers and ancestors.  The tree of life represents the source of all existence and the interconnectedness of all beings.  It also represents harmony and balance, rebirth, strength, faith, and individual expression. 

The middle and lower parts of the tree and roots are embraced by braided Sweet Grass.  Sweet grass holds deep spiritual significance for many Indigenous North American cultures. It's considered a sacred herb, used in purification ceremonies, prayer offerings and to attract positive energies.  

The Medicine Wheel represented within her silver earring, symbolizes the elements of earth, air, fire and water and the four directions and honors every aspect of the cycles of life, death and rebirth.  We cannot have one element and direction without the other.  The medicine wheel is also known as ‘the sacred hoop’ and is used by many native American tribes as a symbol of healing and health. 

The Yin-Yang symbol is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy and cosmology, primarily associated with Taoism. It represents the dualistic nature of existence and the interdependence and balance between opposing forces or elements.  Within this painting you will see only half of the yin/yang symbol painted within the shadowing of her neck.  This half represents fire and creativity, the sun and heavens, honoring the divine masculine which in turn, brings balance and harmony into her essence and being.  

The Sacred Spiral is one of the oldest known symbols and it is a powerful spiritual symbol. It connects us to Nature, our Earth and the Galaxies. Our Life Force Energy, known as Kundalini, is a Spiral that flows from the base of our spine. It represents God and Goddess, Life, Energy, New Life and Evolving Journey.

You will see in the northwest sky within the sacred spiral, Pleiades, a cluster of seven stars. In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were the seven daughters of the Titan Atlas. He was forced to hold up the sky for eternity and was therefore unable to protect his daughters. To save the sisters from being raped by the hunter Orion, Zeus transformed them into stars.  The seven stars symbolize the domain of the blessed seven sisters who received protection and immortality and represent hope and light.   

Within the facial features of Spirit Medicine Woman, she embodies a sense of standing in her divine truth, inner strength, and power.  She trusts her path and knows she is supported by her spirit helpers.

When you view her companion piece, Warrior Shaman’s Healing, you will find the Ying/Yang symbol within the yellow and blue planet in the sky.  The Medicine Wheel is painted within the circle in the headband of his headdress and the Sacred Spiral is within his throat chakra.  Showing the beauty and similarities we all have within us. 

Individually, the Sacred Medicine Paintings are powerful within their own birth right and bring balance and harmony when purchased together. 

Much love, light, gratitude, and many blessings ~ Tammy Barton